Friday, February 3, 2017

Swan Lake!!

Last Friday we went on a field trip to swan lake. I'm sure right now you are all thinking of bunches of little ballerinas tiptoeing and spinning across stage. (No offence to ballerinas of course!) But I mean actual swans. Like the big huge bird kind of swans. Now do you get it? Good.  Swan lake in Monticello is a place where swans (the big birdies remember) go to get a bite to eat in the winter months. Jim Lawrence feeds the swans (and whatever waterfowl makes it over) 1,400 pounds of corn a day! Imagine that!!
The sun was in our eyes so no-one could look without squinting, apparently Hattie couldn't look at all. ;) Grammie planned the field trip and she took the pic!!

There were so many water birds it was crazy!! 😲 Unfortunately, it was freezing outside!!
On this pic, google photos decided it was way smarter than I was, and that I wanted the picture to have a trillion fillers on it as well as orange streaking and F 18. (don't ask me what that means)

Bye you guys!!


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