Saturday, February 4, 2017

Crazy Hair Night!!!

At WEST this week it was crazy hair day. At AWANA this week it crazy hair day.

This day comes once a year you gotta make just gotta make the best of it even if you aren't in WEST or AWANA.

So Hattie whooped it up this year. She did the whole works.
The millions of binders.
The teasing of hair.
The random braids.
The random buns.
The random ponytails.
And you can't forget the colorful sprays.
Yep she did it all.

                                                   AND WOW WAS SHE CUTE!!!
P.S. If you could see the back it would look much more CRAZY!

Even if you couldn't get a smile out of the thing for a pic and she looked like a zombie, she was still a cutie pie!

Love her!


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