Friday, December 13, 2013


Welcome Back!!! Sorry I have not been posting Lately, I have been busy. 
Have you been having holiday Fun? We sure have, but that also brings Holiday hustle and bustle.
We set up the tree lately, fun right? But that is not the best  part,       we have a tradition that when we set up the tree we have fondue, 
Yum right? Well here are some pictures of us eating.
                    Makes you hungry, right?
 I will tell you what is in this picture...  Marshmallows , Pineapple,Pretzel sticks, Apricots, Bananas, Oranges , Raspberries,
donuts, and of course fondue!!!!!!!

 one more... Bye! hope to see you next time!!!!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Little Miss Hattie Joy

Wow!!! she has gotten big fast... I remember when she was this size....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

And Tada  !!!    The big Hattie!!!!!!!!

I Love the smile! does this just make you smile?


See what I mean? Just a few more, 

Cora.. when we ask you to smile this is what I get?

Lily and Cora are her best fans,

but Ben is close behind .

Bye folks, see you soon! 


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Kale Summer Salad


Hear is the recipe for kale summer salad !!!!!!!  ya!!

1 Pound box of Penne  noodles

 makes me hungry  

1  small  pot of kale

1 small spoonful of  chicken broth

1 cup cooked chicken

cook  and drain  noodles.

steam  kale in till  tender.

Put kale and noodles in a big  bowl  and  add  the chicken  and  chicken broth and mix.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Minnesota Hockey Day!!

For a hockey fan this is the life. Pizza and pop. Yummy!!  And Relatives too. Ya baby.

What  more to want?

  Aren't we  beautiful?

And we had to get dressed up. Cora cuteness!! Smile!!

Ben loves his jersey.  He is a fan already!

Lily is very excited !! She's so pretty!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Benjamin Bunny was Here!

Benjamin  stopped   for  a  visit.   He was  hungry  he  ate  our  bush,  yummy!!!

We also gave him a carrot and  lettuce ( that  also  disappeared  )

He was so cute  believe  me

BYE  Benjamin !!!