Saturday, March 25, 2017

Florida Vaca!!

Florida was soooooo fun!! I'll post about it soon.... but for now here's a few pics... hey, I actually posted a picture! Woot! Woot!πŸŽ‰πŸ˜…

The trip was AMAZING!! Hope you liked the pictures!! 

Friday, March 10, 2017

I heart Florida!!!

Only two more days till Florida!!! Can you believe it?!? *Eeeeeee!!!* I'm soooo excited! We leave on Sunday!!!

I will try to take pictures I promise.. I do always try.  Somehow the camera is never in the right spot at the right time. Or it is and the picture turns out blurry and weird and someone's mouth is hanging open and looks totally goofy.   I try you guys I really do.  Just sometimes (okay fine,😩 most of the time) it doesn't turn out the way I expect want hope.

πŸ“Έ *Click* πŸ“Έ


Saturday, March 4, 2017

Awana Grand Prix

Hello everyone! Today we decided to make our Grand Prix cars.. (yes, I will clarify...The cars actually don't need to be turned in in till March 22nd, and we come back from Florida, March 21st.No pressure right? πŸ˜‰)  Luckily, we got help from Grammie and Papa's car construction and snack service. ;)

(The car kits)
Right away Papa and Dad went out to the garage to start cutting the cars when KABAM!! The saw broke.
Seriously. 😞 You. have. got. to. be. kidding. me.  Luckily we could return the saw because.... well I don't know why. But, we got a  new saw.

Four out of the five of us were actually making and entering cars into the race. Hattie is too little to race yet. (Next year!!πŸ˜„) So we took a chunk off of Ben's block and made it into Miss Hattie Joy's masterpiece.

After the cars were cut we sanded them smooth as silk...

Painting came next...(Which is if you ask me is the BEST part..😁) I had decided to do a panda car and the painting was where it would all come together.

I think Hattie agrees that painting is the best!! πŸ˜‚

The painting took quite a while to accomplish, this wasn't a small task!!

After the painting was the wheels. Remember when I said that Hattie wasn't going to be competing in the Grand Prix? She didn't have a car kit and we had to cut her a car from Ben's wood block remember? So she didn't have any wheels either (they come in the kit) and I was pretty sure Hattie was going to be upset if she didn't get to roll her masterpiece around. Grammie looked around for some wheel replacements and Voila!! she came up with some genius substitutes (after some trial and errorπŸ˜‰ but eventually) and the grand prize winner was.... drum roll please... Wait I'll see if you can guess from the picture. 😊

Plastic Water bottle caps!!!

My panda was coming along nicely in all of this. I started off with a coat of black. Then I painted the head area and tummy white. The ears and legs were black. I added the face and toes. I put on some decals. Then that was it!!! 

And the finished product!!!
🐼 🐼 🐼 PANDA!!

Everyone's (finished) grand prix cars!!! My Panda! Cora's rainbow corvette. Lily's Flower-mobile. Ben's car. (I don't know what to call his!) Hattie's water bottle cap car.
 Sorry that no one is looking at the camera 😏 Apparently something super duper interesting is going on next to the camera instead.  

Well gotta go...

πŸ’œ Ella