Thursday, January 8, 2015

peach blueberry smoothie recipe

 yummy! this recipe will put a smile on your pet crab!

peach blueberry smoothie!

lets start!

pour desired amount of frozen peaches and frozen blueberries in to blender (the vitimix works good for this step) a dash of cream, (milk will work also but I like the creamy yum with the peaches) and a small amount of honey, blend together and you have tasty healthy smoothie!


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Heathy nachos recipe

this is easy enough for afternoon snack but tasty enough for a football appetizer

Healthy nachos

take some sharp cheddar and shred it in to a  microwave safe bowl place in microwave and  microwave intill bubbly (just a few bubbles not a army of them)  pour a half teaspoon of milk per fourth of a cup of cheese (don't worry about the oil that separates from the cheese that is perfectly fine)then take the end of a spoon and very slowly stir (if you stir fast you end up with a blob of hot cheese) slowly stir the oil and milk in .stick crackers in the inside of the bowl.                                        done!

Monday, January 5, 2015


I had been looking at from the top bunk and realized that I have not posted for oh a long time sense November 10 to be exact. YEEK! That is not good I will explain so this is how it was crazy!.....  let me start with hmmmm !
it was mostly how around Christmas/new year it is just coconuty monkey (you could say just super duper crazy) sorry well I will post every day this week if that helps make up for this not writing stuff. BYE PEEPS!!!