Sunday, September 8, 2019

Taylor and Ella's Grape Pear Jelly!

Grape Jelly? Yummm. Pear Jelly? Yummm. Pear Grape Jelly? Uh yes! So delicious! This jelly is amazing on toast, ice cream, and even yogurt! With only 5 ingredients, its easy and amazing! This jelly tastes mainly like grapes, but the little hint of pear in the background rounds the jelly out beautifully.  Without further ado....

Ella and Taylor's Grape Pear Jelly!!


1 1/2 lbs concord grapes

1/4 lb pears peeled and cored

1/2 cup water

3 cups sugar

3 oz Mrs. Wages Liquid Pectin
1. Fill a huge canning pot with water and put it on the stove to begin heating up to boiling.

2. Puree pears and set aside.

3. Sort and wash grapes, and remove stems. Place them into a large kettle and crush them. Add water, cover, and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low, and simmer for 7 minutes. Then add the pears, turn to medium heat, and boil for 3 minutes.

4. Strain the juice through a double thickness of damp cheesecloth. Measure 2 cups of the juice into a large pot. Stir in the sugar. Quickly bring to a full rolling boil. Whisk in pectin making sure there are no clumps, and allow to boil hard for 1 minute. Remove the jelly from heat, and skim off foam.

5. Put the jar lids in a pan and cover with water. Put on the cover and heat to simmering. DO NOT BOIL

6. Pour the jelly into hot sterile jars, put on the hot lids and screw the tops on the jars. Then process the jars for 5 minutes in a boiling water bath. Enjoy!
Makes 5 Small Jars

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Woolly Mammoths

In science we were learning about extinction. So I was explaining it to Hattie and she was said the cutest thing!
Hattie: *sad face*
Ella: "Why are you sad?" 
Hattie: *in her pitched sad voice* "There's no more cute, fluffy, baby, woolly mammoths left. We can't go to Africa to visit them anymore. They're 'xtinct. (Extinct)"
I almost became extinct laughing!

Saturday, April 14, 2018


Its snowing like mad outside! We decided to go and check out the creek behind our house... After coming in freezing cold and taking off layer after layer of winter gear this conversation transpired... I laughed so hard! 
Hattie: *sees herself in the mirror and giggles*
Me:"What's so funny, little boo?"
Hattie:"I look like a tomato!" 

Friday, April 13, 2018

Happy New Year!

Note: Haha! Before you ask, yes, I'm completely aware that it is April 13th and New Year's was ages ago. But I'm going to post this anyway as not to lose memories...

Happy New Year everyone!! This year I am really going to try my hardest to post more often... I cannot believe its 2018 already! Some highlights (and low pointsπŸ˜ƒ) of 2017...

1. Moving! In August we packed up all of our belongings, said goodbye to our old house, and moved into the grandparents basement. Our new house is currently being built and (if everything goes well) should be finished beginning of April.

2. Florida Family Vaca! In the middle of March, we took a plane to Florida and had a blast! I think that trip has etched into me a life-long love for the Ocean.. 🌊🌊🌊

3. The Dells with the extended fam! I LOVE the dells! And this trip didn't disappoint... Swimming with your cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles is a blast! I am so glad I got to spend time with them all!

4. Family Camp Trip! The family camp at Whitney's was so much fun! I look forward to that trip so much every year! Thank you so much Whitney for hosting that!

Here's to 2018!


For their birthdays, Dad and Papa got to go skydiving! Annnd not to brag or anything, but I got some really awesome pictures! πŸ˜„

Celebratory high-five ✋✋✋


Wednesday, April 11, 2018


A couple weeks ago, I went skiing for the firat time! I had a blast, even though I fell about a million times... It sure looks alot easier when you watch it on TV....  Thanks for taking me Taylor!


Monday, October 9, 2017

Little miss weights

Hattie found Grammie's weights and decided to try them out...
Me: "Hattie what are you up to?"
Hattie: "I'm just getting my strength."
It was so cute I had to take a picture. I get out the phone and Hattie immediately puts them down. So I try to convince her and finally she relents.

Then she says "I'll make a grrr face now so the blog people know they are heavy."

After I take her picture she says "Make sure you get the 3 so they know that it weighs three pounds."
