Monday, October 9, 2017

Little miss weights

Hattie found Grammie's weights and decided to try them out...
Me: "Hattie what are you up to?"
Hattie: "I'm just getting my strength."
It was so cute I had to take a picture. I get out the phone and Hattie immediately puts them down. So I try to convince her and finally she relents.

Then she says "I'll make a grrr face now so the blog people know they are heavy."

After I take her picture she says "Make sure you get the 3 so they know that it weighs three pounds."


Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday Funnies

I am just sitting at the computer checking my email when I hear this funny conversation.

Cora: Skunks are my favorite animal!
Hattie: I don't like skunks. They stink
Cora: Dogs drool and they stink. People like them. Skunks are cool.
I burst out laughing๐Ÿ˜... Too true Cora, too true.
