Thursday, July 6, 2017


Yesterday, we decided to go swimming at the Maple Grove Community center. Hattie had to get a blood draw so we got up and left at 9:30. We went to cub to pick up our picnic lunch (juice boxes, fruit, crackers, deli meat, and cheese. Then we went swimming for the day.

On the way home Hattie was getting a little tired from all the activity so we broke out the grapes (what Lily has in her hand) and crackers (what Hattie has in her mouth). (Seriously Ben! Why does your face look like that?!?😩)


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Hattie and I

I Can't Find My Sunglasses!

When Aaliyah was down a couple months ago, we made a music video together. We used an app called Video Star. I LOVE this app! Its soo much fun! It has a bunch of pre-downloaded songs for you to pick from. So we chose I Can't Find My Sunglasses by Parry Gripe. My cousin and I are soo silly!
Sorry for the horrible quality... When I sent the video to the blog it went all funky.

πŸ’–Ella (and Aaliyah😊)

Happy 4th!

Hey you guys! Sorry I haven't posted in forever!

Happy 4th of July!πŸŽ†πŸŽ†πŸŽ†πŸŽ†πŸŽ†πŸŽ†πŸŽ†
