Friday, September 19, 2014

Good food

Yum! grilled peaches and plums are so tasty , put them on homemade mixed berry ice cream and you have made tummy heaven! 

What was that, did you say something?

You want to learn how to make this?  

Oh! Sure that is easy!

                                                      Grilled fruit 

So take your fruit {peaches, plums, pineapple, or ether grill able fruits}
and chop them in to half's , brush vegetable oil on. Then mix cinnamon and sugar together {just a little }. Sprinkle your sugar mixture on the fruit. place them on the panini press . in till you get good grill marks.          ENJOY     

                       { sorry about the lack of pics}


Thursday, September 18, 2014


When you can't remember when you last posted , that means it has be a crazy long time. 
So sorry. I  WILL POST AGAIN! and I mean it. I will say it again just so you get the point I WILL POST AGAIN